Create summary reports of receiver project data from the OTN data push
Create summary reports of receiver project data from the OTN data push
matos_project = NULL,
matched = NULL,
update_push_log = F,
since = NULL,
sensor_decoding = NULL,
out_dir = getwd(),
rmd = FALSE
- matos_project
MATOS project number or name that you wish to have summarized
- matched
Default is NULL: OTN matched detections will be downloaded from MATOS and unzipped. If you do not wish to download your files (or you're not a member of ACT), this argument also accepts a character vector of file paths of your matched detections. These can be CSVs or zipped folders.
- update_push_log
Do you wish to use an updated push log? Default is FALSE, but switch to TRUE if you haven't updated this package since the push occurred.
- since
date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Provides a summary of detections that were matched/edited since that date.
- sensor_decoding
Not yet implemented. Will be a place to provide information to decode and summarize sensor data,
- out_dir
Defaults to working directory. In which directory would you like to save the report?
- rmd
Logical. Compile via RMarkdown rather than Quarto?
if (FALSE) {
# If you're an ACT-ee, you can just use your project number
# If you're not an ACT-ee, you need to provide your matched detections
# directly. The code below downloads some matched detections from OTN to show
# this.
td <- file.path(tempdir(), 'matos_test_files')
destfile = file.path(td, '')
unzip(file.path(td, ''),
exdir = td)
# Provide the detection file(s) to the \code{matched} argument, with an
# optional date to the \code{since} argument to summarize what was new since
# that date.
make_tag_push_summary(matched = file.path(td,
since = '2018-11-01')