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Non-exported utility functions used by other functions in matos.


get_file_list(project_number, data_type, force = FALSE)

get_file_list_mem(project_number, data_type)

get_project_number(project_name, matos_projects = NULL)

get_project_name(project_number, matos_projects = NULL)


login_check(url = "")

project_check(project, return_projects = FALSE)


download_process(url, out_dir, overwrite, to_vue = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)



Number of the project


one of "dataextractionfiles" for OTN detection extracts or "downloadfiles" for the uploaded project files.


Do you want to reset the cache and re-ping the database? Defaults to false.


Character string of the full MATOS project name. This will be the big name in bold at the top of your project page, not the "Project Title" below it. Will be coerced to all lower case, so capitalization doesn't matter.


Data frame. Used to pass the MATOS project list from project_check.


Listed files in HTML form. Always the result of get_file_list


The (protected) URL that the overlapping function is trying to call.


MATOS project ID. Can be the name or number of the project.


Logical. Do you want project_check to return the list of projects? Used to not ping the website too much in one function call.


Character. To what directory would you like your files downloaded? Defaults to the current working directory.


Logical. Do you want to overwrite existing files that have the same name (TRUE) or protect yourself against doing this (FALSE, the default)?


Logical. Should the data be converted to match that of VUE's CSV export? Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Do you want to silence matos' updates? Default is FALSE.


get_file_list checks to see if it should re-evaluate itself, then wraps get_file_list_mem which is the actual workhorse.

get_file_list_mem memoised function which scrapes the HTML associated with the project or data extraction files page provided with a given project.

get_project_number finds the internal MATOS number associated with each project by scraping the HTML of the main MATOS projects page.

get_project_name finds the MATOS project name associated with the given project number by scraping the HTML of the main MATOS projects page.

html_table_to_df converts the HTML table provided by get_file_list into a R-usable data frame.

login_check pings protected URLs and calls matos_login when referred to the login page.


scrape_file_urls is used internally by html_table_to_df to extract the URLs associates with each "Download" link.

download_process is used internally by get_project_file and get_extract_file